Service Catalog

Categories (17)


Any non IT related project. This is a special case for researches who need to track time for grants

Collegiate IT - Administration Support (856)

Total efforts that go into the support of Collegiate Administration. Examples include College Web Site, Asset Management, Program Admissions and Assessment, Support for the Dean's Office, Research Administration and other administrative offices.

Collegiate IT - Instructional Support (860)

Total efforts that go into the support of Collegiate Instruction. Examples include Canvas, Classroom Support, Support for Simulated Learning.

Collegiate IT - Research Support (862)

Total efforts that go into the support of Collegiate Research. Direct support of research projects and related activities.

Collegiate IT - Outreach & Service Support (861)

Total efforts that go into the support of the Collegiate Outreach & Service Mission. Examples include Economic Development, Community Service, Revenue-Generating Activities (like Pharmaceutical Manufacturing)

Collegiate IT - Clinical Support (858)

Total Efforts that go into Collegiate Clinical support and direct patient care.

Collegiate IT - General Administration (859)

Collegiate efforts related to performance appraisals, 1:1's , general administrative work, job searches, checking and responding to general emails cleaning your desk, etc ..

Administrative IT - General Administration (852)

Administrative IT efforts related to performance appraisals, 1:1's , general administrative work, job searches, checking and responding to general emails cleaning your desk, etc ..